Entering wines for competitions and other events

Welcome to system for entering wines for competitions and other events

This system allows you to enter on-line your wines to wine competition or other events, organized by the National Wine Centre and other organizations. You can enter your wines on the system and continue to edit them on-line, or even delete them if you wish, before formally submitting the completed list of wines to the organizers.

Cuvée 2025 Ostrava

XXIII. ročník mezinárodní soutěže kupáží a známkových vín / 23rd Edition of the International Wine Competition

Organizer: K.A.H.A.N., z.s. / www.cuvee.cz

Application deadline: April 2, 2025. Sample collection: April 2, 2025. No competition fee.
Collection points: National Wine Center, o.p.s., Centrum Excelence building, Sobotní 1029, Valtice, Petr Gondáš, tel. 602 470 261; Martin Křístek, Na Pořadí 1002, 735 41 Petřvald, tel. 603 240 661 (samples can also be delivered by post to this collection point, no later than April 4, 2025); Fedor Malík, Kalinčiakova 21, Modra, Slovakia, tel. +421 907 890 988.

Evaluation date: April 7, 2025, National Wine Center, Center of Excellence building, Valtice
Exhibition date: April 30, 2025, Zábřeh Chateau, U Zámku 42/1, Ostrava

Jury President: Prof. Ing. Fedor Malík, DrSc.
Competition Oenologist: Prof. Ing. Josef Balík, PhD.
Competition Director: MUDr. Martin Křístek, tel. 603 240 661, martinkristek@cuvee.cz

The competition meets the criteria defined in the National Standards of Certified Wine Competitions in the Czech Republic and will take place under the professional guarantee of the National Wine Center, o.p.s.
Sample collection will take place on April 2, 2025 at the following collection points:

NATIONAL WINE CENTER, Center of Excellence building, Sobotní 1029, 691 42 Valtice, tel. +420 602 470 261
MARTIN KŘÍSTEK, Na Pořadí 1002, 735 41 Petřvald, tel. +420 603 240 661 (samples can also be delivered by post to this collection point only, no later than April 4, 2025)
FEDOR MALÍK, Kalinčiakova 21, 900 01 Modra, Slovakia, tel. +421 907 890 988

The participant of the competition will give free of charge for the needs of sensory evaluation and presentation at the wine exhibition 6 bottles with a capacity of 0.5 l or 0.75 l from each competition sample to the property of the competition organizer. Each bottle must be marked: Name of the wine, name of the producer or importer, batch number. The participant of the competition does not pay any competition fee.