Entering wines for competitions and other events

Welcome to system for entering wines for competitions and other events

This system allows you to enter on-line your wines to wine competition or other events, organized by the National Wine Centre and other organizations. You can enter your wines on the system and continue to edit them on-line, or even delete them if you wish, before formally submitting the completed list of wines to the organizers.

PIWI Award 2025

Doudleby nad Orlicí

Organizer: Zámek Doudleby nad Orlicí – Eleonora Dujková, s.r.o.

Deadline for Elwis applications - 9. 4. 2025 until 12.00 h.

Dear winemakers,
on behalf of the organizing committee of the second year of the specialized competition, focused on wines made from interspecific varieties, we cordially invite you to participate in the PIWI Award 2025 show. The competition is announced in an international format and its goal is to promote and create customer empathy for these wines.
It is quite obvious that PIWI varieties are the future of our industry, due to climate change, and above all the pressure on a sustainable system of grape growing. A sustainable state is not possible without greening farming. Today, there is already great pressure from the EU and customers to limit chemical plant protection products. In order for the gradual transition to more ecological winemaking to be successful, it is necessary to work on marketing and gradually teach customers to drink quality wines from these new varieties. The premiere year of the PIWI Award last year clearly showed that the response of consumers is very positive when presented correctly and the context is explained. The competition samples were met with excellent feedback from both experts and the general public during the tastings.
The competition wine exhibition will take place in the beautiful premises of the Renaissance chateau in Doudleby nad Orlicí on Saturday, April 26, 2025 from 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Traditionally, wine events here have an interesting turnout. As in the previous year, we will subsequently use unopened bottles to support local charities. The wines from the PIWI Award 2024 were handed over to the Lukavice Dog Home, which auctioned them off via its social media and used the proceeds for its operations.
Expert guarantor of the competition: national sommelier Klára Kollarová
Cooperating organizations: PIWI International Czech Republic, Czech Winemakers’ Guild
Wine categorization:

A. White, rose wines, clarets – varietal and brand wines with residual sugar up to 12 g/l
B. White, rose wines, clarets – varietal and brand wines with residual sugar from 12 to 45 g/l
C. Varietal and brand wines (of all colors and styles) with residual sugar over 45 g/l
D. Red varietal and brand wines with residual sugar up to 45 g/l
E. Sparkling and semi-sparkling wines, sparkling wines and petite wines
F. Orange and qvevri wines (wines with longer maceration)

Sample collection locations:

Sample collection will take place from 24. 3. 2025 to 9. 4. 2025 at the collection locations listed below
(in Doudleby nad Orlicí until 11. 4. 2025 12:00 p.m.).

• East Bohemia (can also be sent by post)
Doudleby nad Orlicí Castle, Rudé armády 1, 517 42 Doudleby nad Orlicí
Contact: 606 551 207

• Czech wine region
Roudnice nad Labem Chateau Winery, Chateau 1, Roudnice nad Labem
Contact: 602 154 030

• Mikulov subregion
Na Blatech Winery, Husova 501, Drnholec
Contact: 736 540 012

• Velkopavlovice subregion
Maly Vinař, Na Aleji 148, Velké Bílovice
Contact: 602 780 364

• Proneco, s.r.o., Nádražní 934, Rakvice
Contact: 702 042 174

• Slovácko subregion
Winery Rochůz, Pod Rochusem 1800, Uherské Hradiště
Contact: 722 908 262

• Znojmo subregion
Znovín, Loucký klášter, Znojmo, ZNOVÍN Wine Shop

Number of bottles for one sample and competition fee:

The participant of the competition will issue a total of 4 bottles of each registered sample free of charge for the needs of sensory evaluation and presentation at the wine exhibition. The fee for each registered sample is 250 CZK (10 euros), but a maximum of 1000 CZK (40 euros). Each additional sample over 4 pieces is free of charge. The size of the bottle according to the own sales standard for the given sample. After completing the application, an invoice will be sent to you. Please enclose the printed and signed application form with the registered samples.

We look forward to seeing you in Doudleby nad Orlicí at the PIWI Award 2025!